
"Pastafarianism" via The Spaghetti Monster (FSM)

Bad news: I discovered an ulcer in my left eye on Monday morning, by tuesday it tripled in size.

Good news: I found a religion that will except me as the Pirate I may become.

“Alas! How I wish I were a pirate! To be at sea, to wear regalia, to have a cutlass, to reduce global warming. Oh what a wonderful life!”
~ Oscar Wilde on Flying Spaghetti Monsterism

From wiki:
"Created in 2005 by Oregon State physics graduate Bobby Henderson, it was originally intended as a satirical protest against the decision by the Kansas State Board of Education to permit the teaching of intelligent design as an alternative to evolution in public schools. In an open letter sent to the Kansas State Board of Education, Henderson parodied the concept of intelligent design by professing belief in a supernatural creator that closely resembles spaghetti and meatballs. Henderson further called for his "Pastafarian" (wordplay on Rastafarian) theory of creation to be allotted equal time in science classrooms alongside intelligent design and evolution. He explained that since the intelligent design movement uses ambiguous references to an unspecified "Intelligent Designer", any conceivable entity may fulfill that role, even a Flying Spaghetti Monster. After Henderson published the letter on his website, it rapidly became an Internet phenomenon and a symbol for the case against teaching intelligent design in public schools as well as religion in general."

Sooooo, when my new custom eye patch gets delivered I think I'll not only join the local chapter of Pastafarians but also become an official land pirate myself, and then be on the search for some booty, arrrrrrrrr!

But seriously folks, I'm interested in celebrating new holidays like Ramendan, Pastover, and International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

The official FSM website can be found here: www.vengaza.org
