
On (Design) Bullshit

Excellent article by Michael Bierut at Design Observer (need to add this to the links on blog)

Read article here

"So into this vacuum rushes the bullshit: theories about the symbolic qualities of colors or typefaces; unprovable claims about the historical inevitability of certain shapes, fanciful forced marriages of arbitrary design elements to hard-headed business goals."

Please also read the discussion below the article between Bierut and fellow writer Rick Poynor because this is a refutation and further explanation.

As referenced in article : DVD here


Do not fuck with graphic designers

Do not fuck with graphic designers

Check out this wonderful post over at Boing Boing. I am not one to jump on the opposition bandwagon, but maybe this somehow accurately defines the separation between a liberal mind and a conservative mind, or more accurately, a designer mind and a builder mind. This is not to say that there exists shades of gray between engineers and architects, but I have to admit my frustration with engineers that "working" graphics like those provided by republicans to illustrate the current health plan.