
moleskine collection I

just went digging through some older moleskines i had laying around - the following are from 3 skines all of which went on a couple travels to europe with me - i'll post another series soon ...

_cliff dwellings
composed of planes, lines and points along cliffs these creations cantilever over canyon rims, cliff edges etc. the concept that they are temporary and can be anchored to the earth and cliff sides with structural components by drilling and hanging fastening.

_kinetic iterations
fluid pieces of objects, materials, moving parts assemblages and fragment amalgamations compose these concepts of imagined architectures. scale is left to the imagination. i think of time pieces blown up in scale. these are quick vingnettes plan/elevations/sections of an object - i draw these quickly with pencil first, usually never picking up the point, (similar to the idea behind the singing line in japanese prints) ink the pencil, add dashed lines representing layering of parts and then fill in parts that are critical or unique.

where do these go now? they are really just snippets of a larger idea ... how would one take it to the next level?