
Collaborate look and listen

This is a response to a previous email sent out by mr. rutledge about the opportunity to use this community we have gathered here to create and design. I am aware that many of us are busy, especially those that are going to be graduating into unemployment soon, but we should begin preparations to work together on any design competition that may interest us. The point of this blog is to not only share but also to produce. Here is a great example of what we should aspire to be better then. So please comment, add ideas, and peruse this site so that we can begin turning the gears of this operation.

1 comment:

  1. If any of the about to graduate are looking for work in san antonio let me know. KMA's looking for a couple pieces of fresh meat, we really need someone w/3D skills, sketch-up, 3d-max, piranesi, podium...
