
Big bad Corporate at&t gives way to green... with a lot of pushing.

click the link, I couldn't make the video work, grrr...

Check it-

The past few years of my life/work life/lack of real life due to insane work life has been spent working on projects for at&t. I've been pushing and pushing them to change the way the way their Corporate Real Estate dept. handles design and construction. Concepts like biophilia and phylogenetics, using salvaged material and hardware, and updating plumbing and lighting fixtures. I've bitched, complained, and pleaded. And watch out, now they're listening. The link is to a news report about a project that I just finished which has been gaining attention here in San Antonio.

Basically we're using water which was previously a nuisance to the building causing soil movement and structural problems, and designed a system to control and fully harness the natural resource to provide water for toilets, landscaping, and mechanical equipment. We are even looking into getting the existing building LEED certified. This system saves at&t, it's customers, SAWS, and local tax-payers money. I've been pushing and pushing at&t to change their wasteful ways, it seems they're catching on, and it's nice to see that others in the community appreciate our efforts.

Welcome to the NEW at&t.


  1. I haven't seen the video but props to you for pushing, fighting and working your way to a better design with your clients! Nice Post!

  2. It seems like that companies in general will not push for environmentally responsible systems unless there is some other added benefit for doing so. I wonder what made at&t really change their wasteful practices.

  3. Oh, I can tell you why they did it. This was the first project that SAWS ( San Antonio Water System) reviewed under their new guidlines for rebates. AT&T recieved about DOUBLE the standard rebate given to most companies. The reason for that is SAWS has had a dissapointing number of companies in the area try to take advantage of this rebate program, and this project was selected to be the poster child or flagship per say. The city is trying to get more companies to be pro-active in becoming eco-friendly, not to mention this building is located on a very prominent intersection in SA, and is always under scrupulation from the surrounding pain-in-the-ass rich old folks in Alamo Heights. So, the reason at&t is becoming more eco-friendly is... MONEY, no surprise.
