
faces on the train, part tw0


  1. My favorite is the Beethoven look alike (top row, top right)something about the direction of the face, the propotion of white space on the page, and the furrowed brow remind me of intensity and that hair seems suited for the composer.

  2. funny you call this one beethoven j dubz... i gave each one of them a title to help me remember the scenario in which they took place. this particular one is called "casiotone" becuase the dude i drew looked like the musician, "casiotone for the painfully alone". an aspect i really like about these is the fact that they are read emotionally, not analytically, so they are openly interpretable and therefore evoke different readings to different people. anyway, we both got musician out of it. and i don't think that's a coincidence. i could be wrong.
