

CONTINUOUS THISTLES- Advanced Drawing Procedures
(1) Digital scripting tests explored within Processing, then exported as a live vector source:

(2) Digital to Analog filtration is expressed by various fabrication techniques allowing for new opportunities:

(3) Analog stitching on acrylic plates provides an enhanced intended relationships and connections. All stitching is one continuous thread:

(4) A triptych is then used to describe an iterative series and sequence of opportunities within the designer's applied rule sets:


  1. this is your project? cool. how'd you make the switch from one medium to the next/decide what to do? how many iterations, intentions, ideas do these generate ... how does the 'processing' described in (1) begin, end, process is an algorithm?

  2. Yes it is my work... "Processing" is a base program to write and run 2d pixelated images/simulations. http://processing.org/
    The decisions from one medium to the next was filtered through a series of tests and making choices upon which particates accurately with the previous. Iterations of the outcomes are the experiment. I produced about 20-30 simulations and tested 12 analog 'prints'. The iterations are endless because of the way the script was written... it was intended to not produce a limit number but instead the opposite. Everytime the script is run it has the opportunity to provide new solutions and variations. The personal decisions of the 'final' tryptych are essentially based on deadlines and budget. Though the simulations and experiments can be extended further once time and money are more flexible.
